Letter N

The letter N is denoted by one of the most common Egyptian hieroglyphs – the snake – although there are thoughts that this may have been the letter J. It is thought that the Semitic language was created to use the hieroglyphs as the first language but this was not continued when it came to other ones, which was the letter Nun in alphabets such as the Phoenician and Hebrew. Nun meant fish in most of the languages.

The letter is written in two ways – one of the upper case and one for the lower case. The capital N is two vertical lines, joined by a diagonal line. The smaller N is two vertical lines joined with a curl at the top. It is commonly seen as half of an M. When it comes to sign language, two fingers are used on the palm, which looks similar to a small N.

There are times when the N is a silent letter and this is commonly seen when it comes to following some consonants, especially the M. Words like Hymn have a silent N at the end.

The N is the sixth common letter used in the English language and is the second most common when it comes to all of the consonants, after the letter T.

The N is also commonly used in mathematics. This is usually in the lower case form and is used to represent a single number – known as an integer. This makes it much easier to be able to do algebra and geometrics.

There are six Ns in a game of scrabble and they only yield one point each. It is not generally worth placing this letter on a bonus tile because you will not get the best amount from it. This is something that can be added to many verbs to denote when it is the past tense – such as turning “take” into “taken”.